We are actively seeking volunteers to join the Heath Village Barn Committee, particularly individuals with skills to assist in maintaining the facility. Applications from Heath and Reach Parishioners are encouraged. To learn more and apply to become part of our dedicated team, please complete our volunteer recruitment form below. A Committee member will reach out to you for further discussion.
The following list gives details of our Trustees & Committee Members who kindly donate their time to help manage The Barn.

Committee MemberPosition
Nigel StroftonTrustee & Chairman
Erica StroftonTrustee
Helen WilliamsTrustee
Kevin FowlerTrustee & Premises Manager
Tim VassTrustee & Treasurer
Vanessa VassTrustee & Bookings Secretary
Barrie SimpsonWebmaster, Accounts & Billing

Volunteer Recruitment Form

Which of the following volunteering position are you applying for?

How often could you spare your time to volunteer for us?

What days are you available?

2 + 3 =